Green Screen studio Video Production

Video production on location in San Francisco and the Bay Area can be very costly. That is why shooting a video in a green screen studio has many advantages. It can save not only time, but money.
Green Screen Cyc
Hollywood has redefined cinema by the increased use of green screen compositing techniques, but many smaller productions can also use it to create engaging videos to reproduce virtually any setting.
Our studio has two cyc walls that come together at a curved angle as in the picture below. The 45 foot wall is usually painted partly green for green screen backgrounds that can be used for interviews, music videos, commercial, or even feature films. The other wall is 30 feet long and completes a seamless two-wall curved cyclorama. With our pre-lit studio , lighting grid and crew expertise, there is minimal setup and the stage is ready for use at “flip” of the switch.
White Screen Cyc
Sometimes a white screen studio is a better scene for a project . White Cycloramas or “cycs” are great for video and photography shoots. White screen video shoots offer more control over sound and lighting than on-location shoots. Our studio can offer a turnkey solution with minimal setup.
The white cyc gives the appearance of an infinite space and a non-distracting background for testimonials, product videos, corporate marketing videos, and medical videos. With our elephant doors, we can support both large scale and small productions with large set pieces and vehicles.
Many of our full service clients (where we manage all aspects of a complete project from concept through the edited finished video) find our green screen and white screen cyc to be essential for their projects. It is also available for rent for your use, either raw or equipped, with or without crew as needed. Please contact us to discuss the scope of your project for a quote, and check out our assortment of Grip and Lighting Equipment – from small LED panels to 5K fresnels.